#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################## #ProLinks # Perl program by Stéphane Maltais # # sublien Version 2.3 # ############################################################################## # Define Variables # Corrected $basedir = "/home/stephm69/public_html/kayakdemer/liens"; $sublien_url = "http://www.kayakdemer.net/liens/sublien.pl"; $cgi_url = "http://www.kayakdemer.net/liens"; $baseurl = "http://www.kayakdemer.net/liens"; $mesgdir = ""; $datafile = "data2.txt"; $template = "ajout_lien_t.php"; $file_cat = "sous_cat.txt"; $file_sous_cat ="sous_cat.txt"; $faqfile = "faq.html"; $ajout_lien_vers="1.1"; $newlinksfile = "new_links.txt"; $background_im = "http://www.kayakdemer.net/background_lined.gif"; $ext = "html"; $title = "kayakdemer.net: Répertoire de liens"; # Done ########################################################################### #&info("
L'ajout de liens est temporairement desactivé.
Merci de revenir soumettre votre lien plus tard."); &get_info; &get_variables; &produire_page; ####################### # Parse Form Subroutine sub get_info { local($name,$value); # Get the input $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; # read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); $change = $buffer; # Split the name-value pairs @pairs = split(/&/, $change); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; # Remove any NULL characters, Server Side Includes $value =~ s/\0//g; $value =~ s///g; if ($allow_html != 1) { $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g; } else { unless ($name eq 'body') { $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g; } } $FORM{$name} = $value; } } ############### # Get Variables sub get_variables { if ($FORM{'section'}) { $section = "$FORM{'section'}"; } if ($FORM{'reg_url'}) { $reg_url = "$FORM{'reg_url'}"; } ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $month = ($mon + 1); @months = ("Janvier","Février","Mars","Avril","Mai","Juin","Juillet","Août","Septembre","Octobre","Novembre","Decembre"); $year += 1900; $long_date = sprintf("%02d %s %4d",$mday,$months[$mon],$year); $year %= 100; if ($use_time == 1) { $date = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%02d",$hour,$min,$sec,$month,$mday,$year); } else { $date = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d",$month,$mday,$year); } } ####################### # lire les sections sub read_sections { open(MAIN,"$actu_dir/$cat_file") || die $!; @cats =
; close(MAIN); $qt_sect=0; foreach $catline (@cats) { ($short_cat,$full_cat) = split(/\|/,$catline); push(@sections,$short_cat,$full_cat); %sections=@sections; ++$qt_sect; } } ############################### # Écrire la page des catégories sub produire_page { $atleastone = 0; open(MAIN,"$basedir/$template") || die $!; @main =
; close(MAIN); if ($section eq "base") { $actu_dir=$basedir; $cats_dir=$file_cat; } else { $actu_dir="$basedir/$section"; $cats_dir=$file_sous_cat; } &get_fullsect; open(MAIN,"$actu_dir/$cats_dir") || die $!; @cats =
; close(MAIN); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; foreach $main_line (@main) { if ($main_line =~ //) { print " \n"; if($section ne "base") { print "< - Précédent

"; print "$fn_section\n"; print "

\n"; if($cats[0] ne "") { foreach $sous_cat (sort parnom @cats) { ($short_scat,$full_scat) = split(/\|/,$sous_cat); $ckcrossref = substr($full_scat, 0, 1); if($ckcrossref eq '@') { $n_sous_cat_dir="$short_scat"; } else { if($section eq "") { $n_sous_cat_dir="$short_scat"; } else { $n_sous_cat_dir="$section/$short_scat"; } } if(!($reg_url)) { if($atleastone == 0) { print "
  • Choisir une sous-section
\n"; } print "$full_scat
\n"; $atleastone = 1; } else { if($ckcrossref ne '@') { if($atleastone == 0) { print "
  • Choisir une sous-section
\n"; } print "$full_scat
\n"; $atleastone = 1; } } } if($atleastone == 1) { print"
\n"; } else { print "Aucune sous-catégorie

\n"; print"

\n"; } } else { print "Aucune sous-catégorie

\n"; print"

\n"; } print"
  • Ajouter votre lien dans la section:
\n"; print"$fn_section

\n"; print"
\n"; print"
\n"; if(!($reg_url)) { print"Titre
\n"; print"

\n"; print"Adresse URL
\n"; print"

\n"; print"Description (250 car. Max)
\n"; print"

\n"; print <<"EOF";

EOF print"

\n"; if($submit_sect =~ /tourisme\/pays/) { print"\n"; } } else { &get_vals; print"\n"; print"\n"; print"\n"; print"\n"; print"

\n"; } print"\n"; print"\n"; print"
\n"; print"

\n"; print"
\n"; print "
Suggérer une nouvelle sous-catégorie dans:
"; print "$fn_section

\n"; print "
\n"; print ""; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "
\n"; } else { print "Choisir une section

\n"; print "
\n"; foreach $cat_name (sort parnom @cats) { ($short_cat,$full_cat) = split(/\|/,$cat_name); $ckcrossref = substr($full_cat, 0, 1); if($ckcrossref eq '@') { ($rshort_cat,$full_cat) = split(/\\/,$short_cat); $n_cat_dir="$rshort_cat"; $n_fnsect="$full_cat"; } else { $n_cat_dir="$short_cat"; $n_fnsect="$full_cat"; } print "$full_cat
\n"; } print "
\n"; print"

\n"; } } else { print "$main_line"; } } exit; } ############################## sub get_vals { open(NEWLINKS,"$basedir/$newlinksfile") || die $!; @all_links_ru = ; close(NEWLINKS); foreach $lx (@all_links_ru) { @lx = split(/\|/,$lx); if($lx[1] eq $reg_url) { $titre = $lx[0]; $url = $lx[1]; $description = $lx[2]; } } } ############################## sub parnom { @a = split(/\|/,$a); @b = split(/\|/,$b); $a[1] =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $a[1] =~ s/\@//g; $a[1] =~ s/<[^>]*>//g; $a[1] =~ s/é/e/g; $a[1] =~ s/ê/e/g; $a[1] =~ s/É/e/g; $a[1] =~ s/Ê/e/g; $a[1] =~ s/^l'//g; $a[1] =~ s/ç/c/g; $a[1] =~ s/Ç/C/g; $a[1] =~ s/^le //g; $a[1] =~ s/^la //g; $a[1] =~ s/^les //g; $b[1] =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $b[1] =~ s/\@//g; $b[1] =~ s/<[^>]*>//g; $b[1] =~ s/é/e/g; $b[1] =~ s/ê/e/g; $b[1] =~ s/É/e/g; $b[1] =~ s/Ê/e/g; $b[1] =~ s/^l'//g; $b[1] =~ s/ç/c/g; $b[1] =~ s/Ç/C/g; $b[1] =~ s/^le //g; $b[1] =~ s/^la //g; $b[1] =~ s/^les //g; lc($a[1]) cmp lc($b[1]); } ################################################################### # Mettre complete section dans $fn_section sub get_fullsect { # $actu_dir="$basedir/$section"; # $cats_dir=$file_sous_cat; @fulldir = split(/\// , $section); $base=1; $fn_section=">>"; foreach $cat (@fulldir) { if($base==1) { open(MAIN,"$basedir/$file_cat") || die $!; @cats =
; close(MAIN); $ndir="$basedir/$cat"; foreach $catline (@cats) { ($short_cat,$full_cat) = split(/\|/,$catline); push(@sections,$short_cat,$full_cat); %sections=@sections; } $fn_section="$fn_section $sections{$cat}"; $submit_sect="$cat"; $base=0; } else { open(MAIN,"$ndir/$file_sous_cat") || die $!; @cats =
; close(MAIN); $ndir="$ndir/$cat"; foreach $catline (@cats) { ($short_cat,$full_cat) = split(/\|/,$catline); push(@sections,$short_cat,$full_cat); %sections=@sections; } $fn_section="$fn_section > $sections{$cat}"; $submit_sect="$submit_sect/$cat"; } } } ################# # Debug info sub info { $prntinfo = $_[0]; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "info: $prntinfo"; exit; }